and hopes structure, and Shape write. I world.
fears, clouds, but taboo and dark what wondrous
sounds flowers, what see and things in and
and people, sort START here Most part weird
smells, dreams, of things inspire me. A this
puppy and life in general all play inspiration,
dog tails and anything laying around it’s all
Stupid Blogger...It won't let me post it how I want, so this will have to do...
It'll be a bit hard to fathom, but I'm sure the few who try will manage.
burroughs cut and paste. neat.
i was a bit confuced, but after numerous attempts and reading it from the bottom to the top....I still LOVE your work r tha man:)
I'm trying to see the spiral in it all. I like the fact that we need to keep looking at it to see. An inspiration to keep looking for understanding, I suppose.
Very nice.
Gogo - yes, it spirals out from 'Start', blogger wouldn't keep the spaces that I put in to make it readable :(
Etain - :) at least you tried.
CJ - :) not a cut up...a spiral, but as stated blogger wasn't playing fair, it's most likely something in my settings, but I have no idea how to get it to sit neatly...
Inconsequential, I LOVED it!
Clever... and I make blogger hold my spaces by putting in dots (...) and then changing the colour of them to the background colour, so they become invisible.
Good tip, Greenish Lady, and great try, inconsequential! WE all know how important a space can be, even if pesky Blogger doesn't "get it"...
Wow- very inspired- and clever!
A weird and wonderous world indeed. Very clever! My friends and I used to write notes to each other spiralled round like that, although I think we generally went from outside -in.
Whoohooo.....I see it, it is all clearly colourful to me now......farken kewl:)
Made perfect sense to me. Great post!
Excellant and fun to read.
Looking at another Scribbler's post on shapes I was feeling lonely knowing that spirals weren't a choice (though circles were--yay!), but coming here and reading your piece (even if blooger messed it up) was great.
Very cool. Inspiring :-)
Dreamy stuff. :-)
Yes, Blogger has been very painful today, even here in Malaysia.
Love that I had to think.
I love your creative and colourful solution to the dilemna of showing your spiral. Lovely. Glad I came back for another visit! cool!
Once I got it!lol
Yep. It's all inspiration!
Could not help but notice the puppy dogs tails....earrings perhaps?
Excellent post, and very clever format. Yes, it was a challenge, but it was worth the effort.
Got it! Once I found the start and spiral direction following color, it made sense. Good for you for fighting with Blogger to get this realized. Very clever and original.
Nice use of color, too.
Dog tails! Wonderful. Love the color.
The Tart
; *
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