Saturday, April 14, 2007

Secret Identity

Big if mind you
I told you
Of my secret identity
My hidden life
The part unseen
If I told you
Wouldn’t be
A secret


Crafty Green Poet said...

Absolutely right! You could always invent one though!

gautami tripathy said...

I agree with that sentiment!

Anonymous said...

How right you are, Inc.

Just like if you put rhubarb in apple crumble, it's not apple crumble anymore.

I'm feeling deep today, as you see. :)

Jay said...

Secrets are no fun if you tell them.

miss magic said...

what's a secret if it's told?

Amandeep Singh said...

Yeah so true...Yet its the secrets that fascinate us all ..Aint it..
You have a secret...and you cant tell anyone..
Someone knows you have a secret,but knows he wont ever know it...


Patois42 said...

Excellent point. And what's the point of sharing a secret if it means giving up a part of your identity?

Jone said...

So true! But they are fun to read.

Anonymous said...

You said it perfectly!

Drizel said...

hhhmmmm.....leave no rock unturned:)