Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Shadow stretched and broke
A part with eyes slunk forward
Flowed across the threshold
Like living oil
Brushing past my ankles
With silky tickle
Emitting one faint purr
Then silently disappearing
Into rooms beyond


Inconsequential said...

for those that care, Raggi is the name of one of our cats...
the other is Toffee Socks.

Drizel said...

hihihi...I was looking and thinking raggi, raggi...what does that mean...hihi....very good...I like the movement.
Toffee socks....such kewl names;)

Russell CJ Duffy said...

toffee socks?
my brood having been trying to persuade me to get a pet. i am resisting!

Inconsequential said...

resist cj resist.

Inconsequential said...

We (by we I mean they) went to a recue place to get a kitten, they saw a little ginger thing and a black and whiteish thing, unable to decide, they left, came home and considered...
Adelaide wanted the ginger, and wanted to call it Toffee...
Descision made. off we went, back again.
Ginger had gone (Hoorah! cried I)
We'll have the other, they say...
:( I lose again.

But they/she still wanted to call it toffee... and it has little white socks...

So there you go.

Raggi is also a rescue, but came with a name...